
李虎、黄文菁邀请年轻创作者参加“青年气候奖(The Young Climate Prize)”

archrace  · 建筑设计  · 2 月前

OPEN建筑师事务所创始合伙人李虎、黄文菁受邀担任第二届“青年气候奖”(The Young Climate Prize)导师。青年气候奖由位于纽约的非营利机构The World Around的设立,今年是该奖项举办的第二年。该奖项旨在支持那些在气候危机中诞生并有独特能力应对气候危机的一代设计师和活动家。经过初评后,25名具有变革意识的年轻设计师将作为决赛选手与国际知名设计界的导师进行一对一指导,升级方案,并进一步与全球志同道合者的网络联结。最终,三名优胜者将飞往纽约参与2025 年的The World Around年度峰会。


The World Around是一个全球非营利性平台,其使命为:让最新的建筑思想触手可及,惠及所有人。The World Around策划了备受赞誉的全球公共项目和活动。这些项目和活动分享当下、近期和未来的当代建筑及设计文化,着重于跨学科、前沿及可行的理念,以及气候正义。The World Around委托制作了系列影片和演讲,分享来自世界上最优秀思想家和创作者的作品和理念,这些资源在官方网站和YouTube频道上都可以免费获取。

OPEN建筑师事务所亦曾于2022年的The World Around年度峰会发表关于“山谷音乐厅”的演讲。该峰会由The World Around、荷兰鹿特丹新研究所(Het Nieuwe Instituut)和纽约古根海姆美术馆联合举办。

OPEN Architecture founding partners Li Hu and Huang Wenjing were invited to serve as design champion mentors for the second cycle of the Young Climate Prize. The prize was conceived by New York-based nonprofit organization The World Around to support the generation of designers and activists who were born into the climate crisis and uniquely positioned to address it. The prize pairs young change-makers with mentors in the international design community who can accelerate the impact of their work and connect them with a global network of like-minded people. 25 finalists will win a life-changing mentorship, and three winners will be flown to New York City to share their work and ideas at The World Around’s prestigious Annual Summit in 2025.

Li Hu and Huang Wenjing believe that architects should be more actively involved in the discussion of climate issues and take more responsibility on this issue. Taking this opportunity of the Young Climate Prize, they hope to call on more young creators to participate in the creation and discussion of related topics. For more information on the second cycle of the Young Climate Prize, please visit: www.youngclimateprize.com or click to read the official site. The applications and nominations are open until June 31, 2024.

The World Around is a global nonprofit platform with a clear but ambitious mission: to make the best new ideas in architecture accessible to all. The World Around’s critically acclaimed global public programs and events share the now, near and next of contemporary architecture and design culture with a focus on interdisciplinary, progressive, actionable ideas and climate justice. Their archive of commissioned films, talks and presentations sharing the work and ideas of the world’s best thinkers and makers are all freely accessible below and on our YouTube channel. 

OPEN Architecture also presented the Chapel of Sound at The World Around Annual Summit in 2022, co-presented by The World Around, the Guggenheim Museum, and Het Nieuwe Instituut.


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