【[89星]SlamKit:专门为了提高语音语言模型训练效率而设计的开源工具包,支持使用一个 GPU 在一天内完成模型训练。亮点:1. 仅需1个GPU,1天内完成语音语言模型训练;2. 支持多种语音特征提取和预训练方案;3. 提供完整的训练、评估和偏好对齐流程】
'SlamKit is an open source tool kit for efficient training of SpeechLMs. It was used for "Slamming: Training a Speech Language Model on One GPU in a Day"'
GitHub: github.com/slp-rl/slamkit
#语音语言模型# #高效训练# #开源工具# #AI创造营#
'SlamKit is an open source tool kit for efficient training of SpeechLMs. It was used for "Slamming: Training a Speech Language Model on One GPU in a Day"'
GitHub: github.com/slp-rl/slamkit
#语音语言模型# #高效训练# #开源工具# #AI创造营#