女性多见,由慢性咳嗽膈肌紧勒肝脏所致,也可见于过度束腰的妇女。多位于左叶内侧段或(和)左叶外侧段前缘镰状韧带旁。机制:1、镰旁肝局部特殊血供因素;2、镰旁肝局部脂肪浸润。1.Traditional Surgical Viewpoint of Liver Anatomy and Definition of the Couinaud Segments3-D tutorials of the Division of Physiologic Imaging, Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Iowa
2.Portal venous and segmental anatomy of the right hemiliver: observations based onthreedimensional spiral CT renderingsMS van Leeuwen, J Noordzij, MA Fernandez, A Hennipman, MA Feldberg and EH Dillon Department of Radiology, University Hospital Utrecht, The Netherlands
3.Planning of liver surgery using three dimensional imaging techniques.van Leeuwen MS, Noordzij J, Hennipman A, Feldberg MA.Department of Radiology and Surgery, University Hospital Utrecht, The Netherlands.
4.Clinical and anatomical basis for the classification of the structural parts of liver
Saulius Rutkauskas et al.Clinic of Radiology, Institute of Anatomy, Clinic of Surgery, Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania5.http://wenku.baidu.com/view/afb03e306edb6f1aff001fa1.html?from=search6.http://www.radiologyassistant.nl/en/p4375bb8dc241d/anatomy-of-the-liver-segments.html