

卤猫  · 美图  · 1 月前












 卤 猫 




Oamul, born in 1988 in Fujian, China, now resides in Shanghai and is recognized as one of the leading illustrators in the country. In recent years, his artistic endeavors have expanded into oil painting, sculpture, and contemporary art, with his creativity flourishing more than ever, yet his mastery of emotionally resonant pieces blending nature and humanity remains unparalleled.

His important published works include "Travelling Through the Seasons" and illustrated storybooks "I Found a Star" & "Feribo."

The Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai (MoCA) hosted Oamul's comprehensive and largest-scale solo exhibition, whilst also showcasing the full extent of his artistic journey.


 孙 文 倩 



Miriam Sun, Executive Director of MoCA Shanghai, President of Arts Momentum, Director of Global Private Museum Network (China). 

She has kept actively promoting the "Cross+" aesthetic concept, she has always spared no effort to promote Chinese contemporary art and culture to the world stage: participating the Venice Biennale, Rome four times, planning art projects in St.Petersburg, the Getty Museum, the Hammer Museum and so on. Meanwhile, exhibitions held in MoCA Shanghai such as Dior Esprit and Kusama Yayoi A Dream I Dreamed had become phenomenal exhibitions. In 2019, Miriam Sun was specially invited by the Department of Culture of Art Macao and MGM to be the curator and art director of the Art Macao for celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Macao’s Return to China. In 2024, she led a team of Chinese artists and international scientists to participate in the Venice Biennale for the fifth time, fusing art and science to speak to the world.

 李 政 钟 



Li Zhengzhong,a post-90s young curator, artist, founder of the youth artist platform "Huo Ju", director of the Shanghai Young Artists Association, member of the Shanghai Artists Association, and committee member of the Art and Technology Organizing Committee.

He has organized and participated in many large-scale art exhibitions in China, promoting various propositions in curation such as "multidimensional youth art aggregation" and "cross-disciplinary integration of art and technology", which have sparked high social discussion. He hopes to promote new "systemic" productive forces through art and the international discourse of contemporary Chinese youth art.




温室花园里,一个照明的人,一只花豹和满园芬芳,是旅程的开始。卤猫的世界,被浓郁的大自然场景包围,连花豹的扑咬也带着罗曼蒂克式对远方的遥想和崇拜,植物和野兽在丛林中和谐共处。在他的绘画里,学院派高塔般的叙事和理论结构失去支点,游离在带有后现代质感的“凝视”关系中,我们试图祛魅当代艺术中的理论,在国际当代的艺术语境里我们选择了“观看(Eye on)”。万物有灵,在卤猫如梦的画中很多场景与元素是想象出来的,每当我看到他画中的温室与野兽,都让我想起亨利·卢梭的话“每当我走进大玻璃房,看到那些来自异国的神奇植物,就好像走进了梦中”。


展区近 300 件作品,涵盖绘画、雕塑、影像和装置艺术,全面展示卤猫从自由插画师到当代艺术家的十年创作历程。另有新媒体艺术家付彤与卤猫跨界的AI影像装置艺术《气生》;上海园林集团有限公司以及著名花艺师扎西桑珠和朱文琴以“再造自然”为题,特别为本次展览定制的花艺设计。


"Eye on Blossoms" is a comprehensive review of Oamul's artistic exploration in his ten year career.

In the greenhouse garden, an illuminated figure, a leopard, and a garden full of fragrance mark the beginning of the journey. In Oamul's world, plants and beasts co-exist harmoniously in the jungle surrounded by lush natural scenes, where even the danger of the leopard's pounce exudes a sense of romantic yearning and admiration.

In his paintings, Oamul aims to establish a more direct relationship between his work and the audience, thereby deconstructing and demystifing contemporary art theory by inviting the audience to develop an emotional and sensual connection to his work, giving power back to the viewer’s ‘gaze’.

Everything has a spirit, and much of what is depicted in Oamul's dreamy paintings is imagined. Whenever I see the greenhouses and beasts in his paintings, I am reminded of Henri Rousseau's words: "Whenever I enter the large glass house and see those exotic  plants from foreign lands, it's like entering a dream."

Henri Rousseau: "Quand je vais dans les maisons de verre et je vois les plantes étranges des terres exotiques, il me semble que j’entre dans un rêve."

Everything has a spirit and mutual care. This reflects Oamul's deep love for nature and humanity, and his poetic longing. Just as a leopard quietly watches the blooming of a flower, Oamul's works capture those fleeting moments of beauty in life, allowing the vitality and beauty of life to flow through his brush, creating a way of expression

Nearly 300 works, including paintings, sculptures, videos, and installation art, comprehensively showcase Oamul's ten-year creative journey from illustrator to contemporary artist. Additionally, the new media artist Fu Tong and Oamul collaborated on the AI video installation art "Qi Hub"; Shanghai Garden Group Co., Ltd., and renowned floral designers Tashi and Lulu Zhu have customized floral designs for this exhibition under the theme of "Recreating Nature."

The Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai is always committed to supporting outstanding young Chinese artists. Let's step into Oamul's artistic garden on a summer afternoon, feeling his love for life and unrestrained freedom. "Eye on Blossoms." On a midsummer night, let us dream and let our hearts' flowers bloom.


 Click to view the English introduction 

















Designer: Leyan


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