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Mokkado by MUKU

design studio

Mokkado 是一家极简主义咖啡馆,位于日本富山,由 MUKU 设计工作室设计。咖啡馆的设计强调便利性和开放性,旨在营造一个温馨的环境。在翻新过程中,对原有建筑的材料进行了仔细的拆卸和再利用,在保留老房子特色的同时,创造了一种全新的空间体验。
Mokkado is a minimalist cafe located in Toyama, Japan, designed by MUKU design studio.  The design of the café emphasizes accessibility and openness, aiming to create a welcoming environment. Materials from the original structure were carefully dismantled and reused in the renovation, preserving the character of the old house while creating a new spatial experience.

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我们的目标是既要保留建筑的历史精髓,又要使其适合现代使用。咖啡馆的中心是一个 DOMA,这是一个传统的日式空间,游客可以穿着鞋在这里行走,通常采用土质地板。多玛由台阶和长凳围成,创造出休闲和互动的自然区域,同时也模糊了室内和室外空间的界限。中央的艺术装置由翻新期间出土的石头和木材组成,是咖啡馆的焦点,将咖啡馆的现代设计与过去联系在一起。艺术品中种植的药草进一步将咖啡馆与中草药的渊源联系在一起。此外,穹顶周围覆盖着常春藤的绳索隔断也是一种视觉元素,随着时间的推移不断变化,烘托出咖啡馆的氛围。

The goal was to maintain the historical essence of the building while adapting it for contemporary use. At the heart of the café is a doma, a traditional Japanese space where visitors can walk with shoes on, typically featuring an earthen floor. The doma is framed by steps and benches, creating natural zones for relaxation and interaction, while also blurring the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces. A central art installation, composed of stones and timber unearthed during the renovation, serves as a focal point, connecting the café’s modern design with its past. Medicinal herbs planted within the artwork further tie the café to its roots in Chinese herbalism. Additionally, an ivy-covered rope partition around the doma offers a visual element that evolves over time, enhancing the café’s atmosphere.

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设计 : MUKU design studio
摄影 : Satoshi Asakawa


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