
名医与普通医生收入差距巨大 | 外刊泛读

英语书架  ·  · 4 年前


中国大多数普通医生与少数名医的薪酬差距巨大,根本原因在于医疗资源分布不 均,基层医疗机构人才缺口很大。今天咱们一起通过这篇金融时报文章了解一下吧~


Celebrity doctor pay exposes China’s healthcare gap

As a top neurosurgeon in Shanghai’s best state-run cancer hospital, Song Donglei’s skills were in such demand that he spent weekends flying to remote regions of China to conduct surgeries — helping him to earn an annual salary of more than Rmb4m ($570,000).
作为曾在上海最好的公立医院任职的顶级神经外科医师,宋冬雷的医术面临很大 的需求,以至于那时他在周末常常要飞到中国偏远地区去做手术,这也让他的年 薪超过了 400 万元人民币(合 57 万美元)。

Just like table tennis, it’s important to be on the top national team,” he said. “I was in the top five at the hospital — that’s like being on the Olympic team.”
 他说:“就像打乒乓球一样,要进一流的国家队。我当时在医院排名前五,这就 相当于进了奥运会代表队。”

Most Chinese doctors are not so well-rewarded. More than 60 per cent are paid less than Rmb100,000 per year, according to consultancy McKinsey. Low salaries have led to a shortage of doctors and a wave of resignations in rural areas.
绝大多数中国医生的薪水都没这么高,据咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)数据,逾 60%的医生年薪不足 10 万元人民币。如此低的薪水不但造成医生短缺,还导致 农村地区出现医生辞职潮。

The salary gaps highlight the unequal distribution of resources in China’s medical system — with state-run hospitals in the largest cities hosting world-class professionals, while doctors in smaller provincial hospitals are generally less skilled.
这一薪资差距突显了中国医疗系统中资源分配不均,大城市公立医院拥有世界一 流的专业人才,而小地方医院的医生往往水平相对逊色。

Wage disparities within professions are common in China, where there are marked differences between regions in terms of prosperity and development. But they are especially stark in healthcare, in part due to the “superstar effect” which sees patients flock to see “celebrity doctors”. That process can further erode incomes for less well-known doctors in local hospitals.
行业内工资悬殊在中国很普遍——中国不同地方的富裕程度和发展水平存在明 显差异。但工资悬殊在医疗系统尤为明显,部分原因是“明星效应”所致,患者都 一窝蜂地去看“名医”。这进一步侵蚀了地方医院普通医生的收入。

Chinese patients pore over rankings of top hospitals produced by institutions such as Fudan University in Shanghai, while online forums and increasingly popular medical apps allow them to pinpoint the doctors with the best reputations.
中国患者十分看重医院排名——比如由上海复旦大学(Fudan University)等机构 编制的排名,同时网络论坛以及日益流行的医疗应用让他们能精确地找到名气最大的医生。

Wu Shouguo, a 55-year-old Beijing resident, hosts 40 to 50 people a year, mostly from his home province of Sichuan, who visit the country’s capital hoping to see top doctors. “They come because they didn’t get treated well by local doctors,” he said.
55 岁的北京居民吴守国(音译),每年要接待四五十名来京看名医的亲戚朋友, 其中绝大多数来自他的老家四川。他说:“他们来是因为当地医生看不好。”

At Mr Song’s Shanghai hospital about 95 per cent of patients travelled from outside the city, he said.
宋冬雷说,他任职过的上海那家医院的患者有 95%都是从外地来的。

Mr Song left his state-run hospital five years ago to seek more freedom in private practice. Since then, salaries for top doctors have continually increased due to rising demand from affluent patients.
宋冬雷五年前离开之前任职的公立医院,因为在民营医院自由度更高。从那时起, 随着富裕病人的需求日益增多,顶级医生的薪资也持续提高。

“The average doctor’s wage in China is 1.6 times the average wage, compared to more than three times in developed countries,” said John Lin, a partner at EY in China.
安永(EY)大中华区医疗健康行业战略及运营咨询合伙人林 江翰(John Lin)表示:“中国医生的平均薪资是中国平均薪资的 1.6 倍,而发达国 家的这一数字在 3 倍以上。”

“There is a lack of high-quality medical resources in China, so some excellent doctors have much more work than average doctors,” said Zhao Bing, a healthcare analyst at Huajing Securities, a brokerage. “To change this situation, we must strengthen the training of grassroots doctors.”
券商华菁证券(Huajing Securities)医疗行业分析师赵兵表示:“中国缺乏优质的医 疗资源,因此一些优秀医生的工作比普通医生多得多。要改变这种局面,就必须 加强对基层医生的培训。”


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