

Alibaba Cloud International  · 数据库 科技自媒体  · 14 小时前




关键观点1: 阿里云PolarDB在TPC-C基准测试中创下新世界纪录


关键观点2: PolarDB的架构设计实现高效弹性伸缩


关键观点3: PolarDB保证数据准确性、一致性和完整性


关键观点4: PolarDB支持全球众多企业的数字化转型

包括TNG eWallet、TVB、enish, Inc.和DOKU等在内的超过10,000家企业客户使用PolarDB。


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PolarDB是一款云原生关系型数据库,专为需要快速性能、高并发和自动扩展的关键业务数据库应用而设计。PolarDB已支持超过10,000家来自全球各行各业的企业客户的数字化转型,包括马来西亚最大的金融科技平台TNG eWallet;总部位于香港、全球最大商业华语电视制作公司之一的电视广播有限公司(TVB);日本移动游戏开发公司enish, Inc.;以及印尼领先的支付技术公司DOKU等。

阿里云提供广泛的自研云原生数据库产品,包括关系型数据库PolarDB、数据仓库AnalyticDB、多模数据库Lindorm,以及数据管理服务(Data Management Service,DMS)等。阿里云连续五年获评为Gartner®云数据库管理系统(DBMS)魔力象限领导者。

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Alibaba Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, has set a new world record with its cloud-native relational database PolarDB in the TPC-C benchmark. Developed by the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC), the TPC-C benchmark evaluates the performance of Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems.

Source: tpc.org 

According to the TPC-C results, PolarDB achieved 2.055 billion transactions per minute (tpmC), 2.5 times higher than the previous record holder, while reducing the cost per transaction (price/tpmC) by almost 40% to CNY 0.8 (USD 0.11). Additionally, during an 8-hour stress test, PolarDB successfully processed 2.2 trillion data operations with 100% data accuracy, and maintained a tpmC fluctuation rate of just 0.16%, an order of magnitude lower than the TPC-C benchmark requirement of 2%.

PolarDB’s achievement of 2.055 billion tpmC in the TPC-C benchmark is 59 times the peak transaction volume recorded during the Tmall 11.11 Shopping Festival in 2020.

Dr Feifei Li, President of Database Products Business at Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, said: “This remarkable achievement is a testament to our team’s relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in database technology. PolarDB's performance in the TPC-C benchmark showcases its capability to handle the most demanding workloads while emphasizing our commitment to providing cost-effective and scalable solutions. With innovative architecture, managing cloud-native databases will be as simple as ‘building blocks’. We will continue to support our customers to effectively manage and utilize data to thrive in the digital era.”

The TPC-C benchmark is designed to assess a database's performance under extreme conditions. It challenges a database to maintain data accuracy under significant stress, guarantee data consistency during software and hardware failure, and ensure data availability, consistency, and integrity under stress conditions. TPC-C is recognized as one of the most authoritative OLTP benchmarks in the industry.

PolarDB’s record-breaking performance is driven by its innovative architecture. Its Limitless Architecture features a "three-layer decoupling" design, which enhances efficiency by enabling the independent scaling of computing, memory, and storage for optimal elasticity. This exceptional performance is further boosted through software-hardware integration and advanced database kernel optimization technologies, including transaction processing improvement, index structure refinements, and I/O path enhancements.

PolarDB is a cloud-native relational database that is designed for business-critical database applications that require fast performance, high concurrency, and automatic scaling. This solution has supported the digital journey of over 10,000 enterprise customers across various sectors worldwide, including TNG eWallet, the largest fintech platform in Malaysia; Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), a major player in Chinese TV program production based in Hong Kong; enish, Inc., a mobile game development company in Japan; and DOKU, one of Indonesia's leading payment technology companies.

Alibaba Cloud offers a broad range of self-developed, cloud-native database products, including the relational database PolarDB, data warehouse AnalyticDB, multimodal database Lindorm, and Data Management Service (DMS), among others. For the fifth year in a row, Alibaba Cloud has been named a Leader in Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud Database Management Systems (DBMS).


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