A: In disregard of facts, a certain politician in the US has tried to smear and vilify China's policy in Xinjiang time and again in a gross attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs. It fully reveals the double standard the US applies in counter-terrorism. China deplores and strongly opposes that.
Xinjiang affairs are purely China's domestic affairs. No foreign country has any right to interfere. The Chinese government issued a white paper not long ago, giving a full account of the vocational education and training centers in Xinjiang. These measures are no different in nature from the de-radicalization and preventive counter-terrorism measures taken by many other countries, the US included.
Facts can prove that these measures have produced visible outcomes. Xinjiang now enjoys social stability, sound economic momentum, and harmony between ethnic groups. It has not seen a single terrorist attack in the past three years. People of all ethnic groups there support the government's measures to fight terrorism and safeguard stability.
People from many countries have visited Xinjiang to know more about the vocational education and training centers. Many of them made positive comments on the Chinese government's work in fighting and preventing terrorism in accordance with law. They believe Xinjiang's successful experience is worth learning. This cannot be denied or wiped out by a few words of a certain individual in the US.
Instead of fooling the world, the lies of American politicians will only further reveal their hidden political intention. We advise relevant individuals in the US to discard the double standard in counter-terrorism, stop making irresponsible remarks on Xinjiang and condoning the violent terrorist forces of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement and refrain from endorsing any anti-China separatist forces to avoid hurting its own interests at the end of the day.